
Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today I took my car through a car wash. It was incredibly filthy due to all the freeway driving that I do and the fact that it's winter. Now, this may sound strange, but I'm a little phobic of drive-thru car washes. I have no idea why. I realize phobias by definition are irrational, but at least some of them make a certain amount of sense. I mean, you could fall off a high place and go splat, or get bitten by a snake or spider and die. My other phobia is of needles. At least needles hurt, which could contribute to fearfulness. Also, there are those traumatic childhood memories of being held in a room by a bunch of strangers (doctors and/or their assistants) and poked repeatedly by needles in an attempt to draw blood while screaming for my mother who I could see, but they wouldn't let in the room. But car washes. That's just strange. And I was fine until I got into the car wash itself. Then I got this little panicky feeling, my heart started beating a little faster, I'm sure my blood pressure spiked, and my hands got a little shaky. It's so weird. I remember being scared of car washes as a little kid, but I have no idea why. Maybe it's a weird derivitave of claustrophobia...I feel somehow trapped, and then these weird arm things move all around me and make me feel like I'm moving when I'm not and cover my car with soap and I can't see anything. Now, I'm better about it than I was as a small child. I used to cry and scream and carry on out of sheer terror. Now I just get a little panicky. No screaming or crying. So weird.


  1. Yeah, I could see that. Both of my kids used to get really nervous in car washes when they were smaller. I had to actually turn around in my seat and reassure Katie the whole time to keep her from bursting into tears.

    Now, however, they love them. They're always begging me to stop and get! (I really should...I'm starting to forget what color the car was before all this road grit covered it up.)

  2. I totally imagined a horror movie taking place inside the drive-through carwash.



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