
Friday, February 27, 2009


I have a pair of red fleece gloves that my mom got me for Christmas last year or the year before. I like them well enough. They fit in my coat pockets and keep my hands relatively warm. They keep my fingers from freezing off in the winter before the heater has a chance to warm up the steering wheel in the car. My fingers come comfortably to the end of the fingers of the gloves, except for the ring fingers. There is about a quarter of an inch of extra space at the ends of the ring fingers. I realized today that this is because the ring fingers on the gloves are the same length as the middle fingers. This seems strange to me. I realize that different people's hands and fingers are different sizes, but I've yet to meet anyone whose ring finger is the same length as their middle finger. My ring fingers are certainly shorter. And my pinkies are shorter still. The index finger on the glove is shorter than the middle finger. My ring fingers are about the same length as my index fingers. I should think it would make more sense to do the same to the fingers of the glove. Again, I realize different people's hands are different than mine, but I think that generally speaking my hands are fairly normal in terms of ratios. Some people's fingers are longer than mine, but generally their fingers have similar length ratios as mine. I've noticed that the finger whose lengths are most variable is the pinky. Is it just me? Does anyone know anyone whose ring finger is the same length as their middle finger?


  1. You pretty much described the ration of my fingers, as well. My ring finger and pointer are about the same length, with the middle finger a bit longer than that. My pinky only comes up to the last knuckle on my ring finger.

    I think that may be the first time I've taken a close look at my hands. They look like my mother's.



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