
Sunday, April 5, 2009


The other night Michael and I went to Applebee's for dinner. There was an older man sitting at the booth next to us eating dinner alone. At one point the waitress came by his table and I think he asked her for the check. At which point she informed him that his bill had already been paid. He said "What?!" and looked around in disbelief. She repeated that someone had already taken care of his check. "Who?" he asked, and looked around the restaurant as though hoping he would just be able to tell who had performed this deed. After asking a couple more times, the waitress gestured to a couple sitting at a table across from them. He thanked them warmly and they had a short conversation. It was really uplifting to me to witness this random act of kindness. I often get discouraged about the state of humanity. Rarely do we hear about good things, bad acts rule the news. Witnessing such things restores my faith that there is good in the world.


  1. Agreed. I like it too. Zach says you're thinking of returning to Boston. I hope that works out for you!



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