
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Books on Wednesdays

So, I missed Monday and Tuesday, but I'm here now, and it's Wednesday, so that means I'll talk about books. And type in run-on sentences, apparently. And fragments. It makes up for the run-on sentences.

Anyway. Books. I'm still reading Dracula. And The Lost Continent. I've made progress, but haven't finished. We'll talk more about those when I'm done with them.

So, I'm going to talk about what I want to read next. I'd thought about going with Frankenstein next, but it's written in epistolary form (the story is told via letters), and I'm not sure I want to read two books in a row in that style. So, maybe I'll go with one of the Bronte books. Or Stevenson. Treasure Island sounds like fun. Any suggestions? Any books I should read that aren't on my list of Victorian Literature (they don't have to be Victorian)? What about you guys - reading any good books?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed both Dracula and Frankenstein. But, yeah, I have to pace myself with the Victorian books on account of their wordiness.

    Have you read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? It's very good also.



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