
Monday, April 14, 2014

Actual Conversation (or, How Hard Is It To Spell Hawk?)

I got a call the other day from ACU, my alma mater. They were calling to hit me up for money. I knew that's what they wanted and they've been calling for a while. I decided to answer the last time to see if they would leave me alone for a while if I talked to them. 

At the beginning of the conversation they wanted to update my contact information. Since we just moved, I gave them my new address. The street we now live on is called Fast Hawk Lane. When you say it quickly it sounds kind of strange, so I made sure to space out the two words and speak slowly, thinking that would help. Not so much. 

Me: [House number] Fast Hawk Lane. 

Student: Can you say that again?

Me: (More slowly) Fast Hawk Lane

Student: Can you spell that?

Me: F-A-S-T

Student: Can you say that again? 

Me: Fast. F-A-S-T. Like the opposite of slow. Fast. 

Student: Oh, F-A-S-T. Fast. 

Me: Yes. Fast. And then hawk, like the bird of prey. 

Student: H-O-C-K?

Me: No. H-A-W-K. The bird. Hawk. 

At this point I was thinking, "Seriously?  You're a college student and you don't know how to spell hawk?"

I hope this isn't indicative of how giving my address to people will be in the foreseeable future. I realize that the street names in my neighborhood are a little strange (Fast Hawk is one of the more normal ones, really). But this student is living in a town with street names like Bob-O-Link and Catclaw, so I'm not thinking they have a lot of room to judge. 

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