
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Paper Cuts

I started a new job last week. I'm working in the prosecuting attorney's office for the county at the front desk. I answer the phone and talk to people who come in (ask me about my favorite visitors thus far). I also build and schedule the dates for traffic infractions and misdemeanors. It's fairly interesting, I stay busy (which means, not bored), and the people are nice, so it's pretty good. It's much better than the last place where I felt bored and unappreciated. Also, I don't support one particular person, so no one's breathing down my neck if they don't like something I did. And, if a file gets lost it happens so much that no one seems too perturbed, we just order another report and bug the records people. The biggest downside to my job is the paper cuts. Last week I ended up with five or six, and I've gotten two so far this week (one per day isn't bad). The one from yesterday is on the webbing between my thumb and first finger on my left hand and the other one got my cuticle on my right middle finger. That one really hurts, especially since I kept catching it on things all day. Hopefully I'll learn how to avoid them better, but for now paper cuts are the bane of my existence.

1 comment:

  1. One the one hand (double entendre intended), if the only thing you have to complain about at your job is paper cuts, well, that's pretty good, then, isn't it?

    On the other hand, OW.

    I don't suppose it would be seemly for the receptionist at the County Prosecutor's office to wear rubber gloves to work, would it?



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