
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


1. When I have several things going on, I blog much less.

2. I'm really tired of working on these argyll kilt hose. These ones are small and I'm over halfway done with the second sock. But I want them done, and I want them done now. I have other projects that I would like to work on, and Christmas gifts to get started. I did finish the green kilt hose and delivered them to their owner in Portland a week and a half ago. I actually dropped them off at his wife's store, as he and his wife were out of town that weekend. I haven't heard how he likes them, but I think they turned out pretty well.

3. I think the cold makes me tired more. Since the weather turned I've been a lot more tired. That, or I'm still getting used to my new schedule. I'm teaching the 5th grade strings classes at a few schools, and I have to be there by 7:20 am. That's early for me. I'm not a morning person. Maybe it's just that getting up early on a regular basis makes me more sleepy, even if I go to bed on time. Also, I have a headache today, which doesn't help with feeling tired. And before you ask, yes, I take my vitamins and as far as I know I'm getting sufficient levels of iron.

That's all for today...nothing too fascinating.

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