
Friday, November 6, 2009

Failure, of sorts

So, yesterday was November 5, day 5 of NaBloPoMo, I did not post. I completely forgot. To be fair, I am preparing for an audition in four days. That takes precedence. Yesterday I taught two 5th grade strings classes, started sewing a sleeve on Katrina's sweater, practiced, drove to Spokane and took a lesson, came home and had dinner with Michael, practiced, emptied the suitcases my grandparents gave us last summer, found some more music for my gig tomorrow, practiced, watched a show with Michael while working on a sock (I only got three rows done), then went to bed. While, technically, there was time to blog, I just wasn't thinking about it. So now, the question is, do I keep going as if nothing ever happened, or just call it quits and go back to my (ir)regular blogging schedule? Care to chime in, anyone? Today's schedule will be just as busy, and will include packing and going to church. I have another lesson with my teacher this afternoon, which is good. My preparation schedule for this audition has been very different than ever before. We've been working a lot more on technique, rather than the actual audition material. But, the technique is necessary in order to play the audition material. I've been under orders to practice the audition material at half tempo or so to be able to focus on intonation. Now I have to get them up to tempo by Tuesday. All 14 excerpts. So...this will be interesting. Lots of practice today. There's no time tomorrow. I'll have to practice on Sunday when we get to Victoria (sorry, guys...that's why we're going). And on Monday. Hopefully it's enough time.


  1. I say forget about blogging, one less thing to worry about. You have enough on your mind! See you Sunday!

  2. My vote is to keep blogging daily, if you can, but without stressing out if you miss a day here or there. Speaking for your friends, we love to hear from you!



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