
Friday, January 5, 2007

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

The last couple of days Michael and I have decided that it's time to stop sitting around eating junk food and actually get a bit of exercise. In that spirit we went and walked around Tubbs Hill yesterday. It was fun. It was actually in the low 40s, so we didn't freeze to death or anything, and we actually saw a few other people out there. It made me feel pathetic, though. I used to traipse all over that hill and didn't feel a thing, and yesterday I was getting winded. We can blame it on higher elevation (than Boston), blah blah, but we all know the truth. I'm not in very good shape. We had a good time, though, and also visited our friend Paul who works in the IT department of North Idaho College. We chatted with him for a bit where we discussed our mutual eczema woes, and I discovered that he has no prescriptions for his eczema which is taking over his eyes. (Katrina, if you're reading this, make your husband go to the doctor! It's easily treatable and the appointment will only take 15 minutes, tops, and it's oh so worth it to not have itchy scaly yucky skin. Trust me, I know.) We managed to walk back out to our car just as it started snowing that weird little popcorn snow. You know, the little snow pellets. They're strange. Today it has snowed pretty much all day. Michael and I thought it would be fun to go walk around and see the world under its fresh blanket of snow. Of course, it was still snowing when we did this. But, we got all bundled up and out we went. I thought we were just going to wander about the neighborhood a bit, but Michael decided that we needed to head up Canfield Mountain. For the uninitiated, Canfield is a much steeper climb than Tubbs Hill's gentle paths. Needless to say, I didn't last long and we turned back after we were only barely out of sight of the street. We did walk around the neighborhood a bit, but the wind was picking up, and I don't care how pretty snow covered trees and hills are, you can't see them if the snow's blowing in your face. It did feel good to move around a bit, though, and we came back to the house and had hot cocoa. I started the last piece of my sweater today...the second sleeve. I also started blocking the pieces, well, at least one piece. It takes lots of pins to block out anything. More on that later. For now, good night.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm...a walk in the snow and then hot cocoa. Sounds divine!

    (And I will get Paul to the doc, one way or another!)



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