
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two Down...

Seven more to go. I finished my mom's socks that she's getting for Christmas. The ends are woven in and everything. All that's left to do with them is take a few pictures, wrap them up, and put them under the tree. Since I can't show you a picture of them until after Christmas, here is a picture of the leftover yarn from this pair of socks:

It's blue and pretty, but there's precious little of it left. Normally I have enough left that I wonder what to do with the scraps. This is really only enough to save for the possibility of darning the socks. Toward the end I was getting a bit worried about having enough yarn. I did, though. With just a bit left over.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. That's a really pretty blue! Praying you're feeling better today!



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