
Saturday, November 25, 2006


I have a confession. I can be childish sometimes. I've mentioned previously that our downstairs neighbors tend to play their music too loud. They seem to be having a party today, going on now for five or six hours. Five or six hours of loud talking and loud music emanating through the floor and coming up the stairwell and through the door. It gets old. Fast. We have tried to approach their loud music problem in a mature fashion, asking them politely to turn things down, and, when that didn't work, trying to involve the landlord. To no avail. We were told, basically, that it was our problem because we didn't have a rug over our hardwood floor, and if we were to get one it would make a remarkable difference in the amount of sound that transferred through our floor. We were both rather skeptical about this, but went ahead and bought a rug anyway. Has it made a difference? Not a bit. Have our downstairs neighbors ceased their loud music playing ways? Well, as I've already said, it's been going on all day. So, since I live above them, I've taken to stomping every time I get up if their music is on. Sometimes I hop around the apartment on my way to the kitchen or bathroom or bedroom. Sometimes I just get up and jump up and down in place out of sheer frustration. Not on the rug, either. When I'm wearing my dress boots after work I make sure to stomp around a bit before taking them off (they're louder than regular shoes or bare feet). Is it a bit childish? Sure. Do I care? Nope. Nothing else seems to work. Not that stomping has had much effect, either, but at least it makes me feel a bit better. Slightly spiteful. A bit vengeful. Hopefully it annoys them at least half as much as they annoy me. Since they are so incredibly inconsiderate, it doesn't make me feel the need to be considerate to them. So, that is my confession. I'm a bit childish, spiteful, and inconsiderate when faced with profound inconsiderateness myself.

1 comment:

  1. Faced with this situation, I don't know if I would stomp on purpose, but I probably wouldn't take any great pains NOT to, either. ;)



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