As we are preparing to leave Boston I am starting to think about the things that I will miss and about the things I won't miss. I'm sure I'll be adding to this as my time here draws to a close, but to start with here are
Things I Will Miss About Boston
1. Not needing a car to get everywhere. Public transportation is really pretty cool. It's a lot cheaper than owning a car, too.
2. The benefits that come with having to walk nearly everywhere. Michael and I have both lost some weight since moving here just because we walk all the time.
3. Being surrounded by so much history. It's everywhere. I work next door to the meeting house where they held meeting during the Revolutionary War, and the Old State House (the center of government for Massachusetts as a Colony and for the first bit of its statehood) is the subway stop I get off at to go to work. Literally, it's underneath the Old State House.
4. The fact that the New State House was built in the 1790's. (It's been added onto since then, but the oldest part is over 200 years old, and it's the New State House.)
5. The Public Garden. It's so pretty.
6. The neat architecture.
That's it for now. Tomorrow we will see what I won't miss about Boston. Only 28 more days!
I've wanted to see Boston practically forever, since my parents took a trip there and came back with all these amazing photos and stories. It would be a delightful experience to walk on those historic streets (and believe me, I could sure use the physical benefits that come with the walking!)